Basu offers
often some services without price. To contribute with a donation is part of the meditation
Different accounts
Choose one in you own currency if possible
As to make it cheaper easy to transfer money there are account in different currencies
Euro, British Pound, US Doller
all other currencies use the Euro account
NOTE: Do not write ‘Basu’ in the message line in the payment As The bank sometimes think you are sending the money to the wrong account and then cancel the payment for your safety.
EUR – Euro
Account holder Kriya Dharma
IBAN BE25 9670 2188 5182
Wise’s Address
Avenue Louise 54, Room S52
GBP – British Pound (to receive GBP from UK only)
Account holder Kriya Dharma
Account number 98418089
IBAN GB14 TRWI 2314 7098 4180 89
UK sort code 23-14-70
Wise’s Address
56 Shoreditch High Street
E1 6JJ
United Kingdom
USD – US Doller (to receive USD from US only)
Account holder Kriya Dharma
Account number 9600007304411469
Routing number 084009519
Account type: Checking
Wise’s address
30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor
New York NY 10010
United States