Online Teachings – A New Earth Home Retreat – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Advanced Kriya Hatha Yoga (level II)

    Basu is sharing online teachings for Students

    At the moment the following teachings is offered:

    • Advanced Kriya Hatha Yoga (Level II) If you already received and have practiced (level I) you can now receive next level of Kriya Hatha Yoga
    • 10 weeks A New Earth Retreat – Using Eckhart Tolle’s book New Earth to guiding us into a mindfulness practice
    • Yoga Sutra of Patanjali The teaching will be a series of teaching with a practical approach

    Regularly Basu are sharing Online classes for those who wish to go deep into the practice

    As to receive online teaching you need to be a Kriya Dharma student, meaning you have been receiving teaching already from Basu.

    ONLINE CLASSES – Follow this link for joining and for more information

    Event Details
    Basu Aryavrat
    Yoga and Meditation Teacher
    Kriya Dharma
    Online Teaching Inquiry
    Event Details