Swami Shankarananda Giri teaches Kriya Yoga to anyone who desires to receive instructions in the path as a means for spiritual evolution.
Swamiji teaches this technique in the same way that he received it from his masters. He considers himself very fortunate to have the opportunity to serve many Kriya Yoga masters including Swami Narayana Giri (Prabhujee), Satyananda Giri, Atmananda Giri, Sevananda Giri, Vidyananda Giri, and Brahmachari Susilanandaji. Swamiji also served Paramahansa Hariharananda for many years and worked with him closely to spread the practice of Kriya Yoga both in India and abroad for twelve years from 1974-1987.
For more information http://kriyayoga-shankarananda.com/